Tuesday, March 17, 2009

New York Phiharmonic orchetra

Ivisited a website caled New York Phiharmonic.com.It is kid friendly.It has so meny diffrent things like: games, instument lab, instument storage room and so many other things.Thats what I liked about it. This website does not motivate me.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Hamering helps make silver pots.The fitst thing is you draw the dmanchens then you heat it up to make it rad hot.Then dip Ith in cold water.As you hamer the silver becoms britel so you half to rea heat untell you get the right shape.Hear is my apinun an hamering it would be diflt an it could dameg your hand or fingr

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

View a Larger ImageSome of these tools i know like the sow.Sins im not a miner I dont know like the tool an the left and that big thing next to the sow. I would not wont to be a miner to much work and its dangers.
In the 1800 the miners had dangers jobs.Another thing is they would half to deal whith cold wind drafh. Anther thing is they has no power.As time went on they made new thing like light bubs and and beder tools.
One of these tools was the stem stoper this tool trils into the dirt and rock.How the miner could see in the darke each empoly was given a condl that would last for ten hours.The chang room was a room that prevanded siver for being stolend.


How they are similar 
are the the same handle shape.  
How the are different is the 

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

friendship and war

I like the top one because It shoes friendship and how people get a long. The one an the bottem show war. 


I like the one the right because It has meaning desines and colors


Monday, February 23, 2009

Benjamin Franklin

The frst thing is the time ago.clothing .The sacend reason is he lived a long The finel reason is I know he was a inventer.

Friday, February 20, 2009

sad mam

The mom is probly thinking about the what is going to happen next.The secend thought might be how am i going to fead the kids.